Collecting Ontario licence plates for 40 years

WANTED - Ontario Plates
Contact me if you have any of these, or if you have leads on some. I buy whole collections, too!
Special numbers

Plates with only 0 and 1.

Plates with three or more zeroes at the end.

All numbers and/or letters the same.

Plates up to 1940 with three or fewer characters.

Error plates where any characters are inverted.

Ontario car plates with my name.
Small plates

Motorcycle plate with veterans' poppy graphic.

Undated motorcycle plate, blue background, white numbers.

Wheelchair symbol on blue sticker with serial number.

Red moped plate - must have long sticker box stamped at top.

Nearly square, the word "School" appears.

Small, undated, red characters on white background.
Professional plates

Red plates beginning with CD.

1946-1958 starting with CD.

Red plates beginning with CC.

Any plate with a big crown flanked by two identical digits.

Modern plate starting at 001-MAA (up to MAD).

Modern plate of the SCO series.

Modern plate of the FCJ series.

Modern plate of the PJO series.

Modern plate of the DCO series.

Modern plate of the MPP series.

Modern plate of the MHC series.

Modern plate of the SEN series.
Other Vehicle Types

Always has "MFR" vertically on the left side.

1960s and earlier, unused or barely used, still in wrapping / envelope.

Many unusual colours / formats through the years. Contact me with pics.

Need only: Jun 79, red numbers, starts with BZ. Dec 79, yellow numbers, BW.

Plates with black-and-yellow "bumblebee" sticker.

Letter series starts with ON on modern plates.

Letter series starts with FD on modern plates.

Modern plate, two letters in trailing position, starting with B

Start with BP, and have small letters PRP on the top or side of the plate.