Collecting Ontario licence plates for 40 years

These are scans of old photographs. New images will be added chronologically by date taken.

Roy Carson, ALPCA member 17.

Ontario collector and then-future ALPCA President Ernie Wilson.

Alaska collector Earl Jenson poses with a low-number Yukon plate on a Ford Galaxie.

Ontario collector Jim Becksted, age 19.

Independent swap meet in Ottawa, featuring the same sign used at the 1973 ALPCA Convention in Ottawa.

2nd (and last) independent swap meet in Ottawa. Acton would debut in 2003.

A close-up of the late "Sam" Samis with some of his personalized graphic plates.

During the ALPCA Convention, I stand on my side of the border, while Andy Pang and Tom Dayton stand on theirs.

Snapshot from the first swap meet in Acton. Will Loftus, Norm Ratcliffe, Jon Upton, Dave Steckley, Paul Cafarella.